Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Raynaud's "Hommage Flower Magix Box" Does Magic For Any Table

Cooking is an art form, from preparation to presentation. Like any artist, a chef likes to control their creation and the message they want to convey through it. Chefs, or any artist, do not have every opportunity to speak with every connoisseur, so the presentation brought to the table is very important. The food needs to speak for itself and there shouldn't be any noise to distort the message, like an over-stylized plate. This is why many restaurants prefer to use very simple dinnerware, like the French made Raynaud Limoges Porcelain line, Hommage.

Raynaud's Hommage may appear simplistic, but an abundance of inquires about this porcelain line may suggest that this "plain" dinnerware is leaving more of an impression on the food connoisseur than the meal. After seeing the "Hommage Flower Magix Box" by Raynaud in a Chicago restaurant, two patrons had to have this very item for themselves. At this particular restaurant, the "Hommage Flower Magix Box" provided six different salts and spices to the table, creating a very chic and contemporary presentation at the table.

The Hommage porcelain dinnerware maybe white and flat, but it has a pure simplicity that is shaped in such a unique way that is compliments any dish deliciously. But beware; this dinnerware and tableware has been found to take the attention away from the food on the plate. Click here to go directly to the Raynaud Collection available at Sallie home.

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